New Build Chipseal
If your driveway has not been surfaced before by chipseal or asphalt, then it is classified as a new build chipseal.

Loose Gravel Driveway
There are Four Key elements of driveway construction
Drainage is always the number one consideration for any driveway construction project.
This is because it does the most damage and effects the life of the driveway along with future maintenance costs. Investing in drainage early always results in significant savings in the long run.
Without proper drainage standing water can develop which can be easily seen by the formation of cracks and discoloration. Loose stone or a worn out look can be a clear indication of wear and tear.
Driveway Purpose
It almost goes with-out saying that what you use your driveway for will affect how you buid it along with its lifespan. Heavy, Skidding or Turning Vehicles are the second biggest factors in your driveways lifespan and maintenance costs. Even one heavy load on a driveway can significantly impact it's performance, it is recognized as such an important factor that the Government introduced the Land Transport Amendment Act 2017 which is specifically targeted at limiting the loadings on the road per tyre.
When constructing a new driveway getting the depth and quality of your basecourse right can significantly alter the price and long term quality of your driveway. Reducing costs here is guaranteed to bite you in the long term. The thickness and quality of the basecourse is directly related to its strength, though often poor quality material does not gain strength the thicker you lay it.
Chipseal is the icing on the cake, and is key to waterproofing and protecting the strength of the basecourse below. Chipseal provides the most flexible surface available and can flex with the basecourse. This is very important as the road bends similar to how your tyre does under the weight of your vehicle. No other surface can provide such effective waterproofing, grip and drainage as chipseal.
Being exposed to the elements it is important the strongest stone available is used on the surface for chipseal.

Concrete Driveway